Sunday, February 15, 2009

Favorite T.V. Shows

Do you have an absolute favorite T.V. show that you feel you could never live without? I have several of those T.V. shows. One of them includes That 70’s Show, which is very funny. It’s with six friends just living like teenagers in the 70’s. In almost every single episode, a few of the friends get together in a circle and smoke pot (which you should never, ever do). They then come up with wacky solutions to their own problems. Also in almost every episode (it’s more likely to be every episode), one of the boys, Eric, gets yelled at by his dad Red. Red is so explosive, he gets so mad at the littlest things. On that happy note, we go from the 70’s to the 90’s-00. Another funny show is Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. It’s a funny show where a teenage girl named Buffy learns that she was chosen to fight the vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness in order to stop any apocalypses. These include destruction of humanity, the Earth being swallowed up, all the humans going to hell (sorry), and the Hellmouth beneath Sunnydale High School opening up and spitting the most fearsome creatures alive (or dead) out and casting the world into oblivion. It’s very creepy at one part, and then very funny at another. There are seven seasons, and Buffy might not have made it through them if it hadn’t been for her mom, her watcher, or her amazing friends. That’s all for now. Talk to you later.

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