Sunday, October 5, 2008

Studying Skills

All students in school need to study in order to pass their classes. So some ways to study are to ask your parent/guardian to ask you review questions(my way to study). Another way to study would be to review all of your notes(be sure to take notes during class). One last way to study would be to ask questions to your friends. Be sure to study. Just so you know, I got a 100% on my science MIDTERM. Those are ways to study.

Sleeping Habits

 I know this may not seem important, but it is. The first thing you need to know is what days you need to go to early morning, like band or orchestra. The night before you have early morning, get to sleep early so you can get up on time. The best time to go to sleep on school nights is probably 10:30-11:00 because that gives you 7 to 7 and a half hours of sleep. Earlier would also work. Those are some sleeping habits to help out with getting to school on time. 

Book Reviews 2

 I have some more books I think I should share with you. The books are:

 Ÿ       The Warrior Heir, Wizard Heir, and Dragon Heir(3 book)

Ÿ       Edgar + Ellen  “The Tourist Trap”(1 book)

Ÿ       Half Moon Investigations(1 book)

   I like the Heir books because they are unpredictable, hilarious, and, most of all, action-packed. I like Edgar + Ellen because it’s thrilling and hilarious. I like Half Moon Investigations because it is unpredictable, hilarious, and it is difficult to stop reading. Those are more books you now know. See you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How To Deal With Bullies

Bullies are people who like to torment others to make themselves feel better about themselves. The best way to deal with bullies is one of the hardest and, later on, easiest; ignore them. If they start walking/running towards you, just walk away. They may call you a coward or a wimp, but don’t pay attention to them. If they call you out to fight, don’t go. If it starts to get out of hand where you can’t ignore them, tell an adult who will be able to stop them from picking on you. For example, I was being picked on at school, so when it got out of hand, I told my mom, who called the school, who was able to stop them. That is how I dealt with bullies, and how you should to.