Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I hate matching! My mom is crazy about it and my sister is almost as obsessed about matching as she is with Nick Jonas! They are always like “Oh no John. You can’t wear that. It doesn’t match.” And I’ll be all “Does it really look like I care?” It gets so frustrating sometimes. They just don’t seem to get it when I tell them that I DON’T CARE! My dad sticks up for me most of the time, but sometimes he says “You should listen to them this time John.” And then he’ll whisper “Girls like it when guys match their clothes.” And they just don’t care that I don’t care. I’m always like “What’s the point. It’s not like I’m going to the senior prom (even though I’m still in 7th grade)”. Why do I need to match my clothes? If anyone can give me a little hint better than the ones that my parents and sister tell me, like it will help me get girls (which I do not need help with, dad! I hope you’re reading this!), you can post a comment to tell me. A blog is nothing without the viewers and commenters. Thank you for reading and commenting (mom, dad and sister (I’m not using you’re real name for security issues, not that I don’t trust you guys), I hope you are reading this. I DO NOT CARE!!!!!!!!). Have a good time everyone.

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