Sunday, December 14, 2008
The 39 Clues
WARNING - Beware the Madrigals!
P.S. I’m an Ekat.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
How to Survive School
In school, I like to think there are three types of people: the hunters, the hunted, and the spectators. The hunters, or bullies, pick on people they think won’t fight back (a.k.a. the hunted). The spectators watch what is going on and either try to stop it, or try to avoid being hunted or the hunters. There are several ways to survive the school day (if you are the hunted. Hunters, don’t read this). The first way is to avoid the hunters. This only works if they pick on you in the halls. If they pick on you in class, the second way might work. The second way is to ignore them. Hunters enjoy knowing they are annoying you. If they believe you don’t care what they do, they’ll leave you alone. The third way may get hunters to call you a snitch, but it’s worth it. Tell the teacher. It may seem to make you a tattletale, but you shouldn’t let hunters get to you. Those are ways to survive school. That is all I can tell you right now. Until I get a brain spark, I won’t know what to post, so it may be a while. I’ll see you later.
P.S. Don’t call anyone hunters, hunted, or spectators. It’ll get them mad.